Headphones on and off we go
Our breathing changes as we know
Boys and girls came out to play
Pans let’s watch them as they are blown away
The I pads feed them visually
The sound track proves you can’t break free
Their eyes their faces this whole eventm
Changes them that’s the intent
Factory farms are evil places
You can see that on their faces
Shock and horror the vilest awe
It is like some horrid war
From farm to fridge they see it all
Overcrowding that does appal
No light no fresh air no sun no rain
Just chickens going quite insane
Why wouldn’t they tortured like this
Beaks cropped removing any bliss
They might have thought they would have left here
Agony an intense fear with dream of getting out of here
Male chicks happy little souls
Consigned to the grinder their bell tolls
Faster than they ever thought
Within an hour or so they are caught
Riding the conveyor chirping loudly
Happy bunnies riding proudly
Through the factory to the machine
That grinds them up we are that mean!
Why are we evil the reason being
They don’t lay eggs they are not all seeing
They won’t grow quickly economically
Not fit for purpose tragically
The females they are sent straight to
Those tiny cages of wire we do
Terrible things to females there
Who live short lives in abject despair
That’s the chickens that’s their lot
What a fucking life they have got
Shackled upside down they be
murdered by us tragically
That really is no way to go
Many are conscious as we know
Their agony is seen to be
Really unbelievably
Cruel and we now witness this
Surely we so take the piss
Creation caresses our senses so
And receives our knock back
With each John Doe
Dairy cows what have they done
To expect such evil again no sun
No fresh air just artificial light
And terror and torture as a right
Worked to death milked all day
Their calves are stolen straight away
When they are spent they are sent to die
Gentle females my question why
They may by now have lost their tails
Cut off by the knife that fails
Sawn off in the end maybe
Through nerves and muscle you can see
You can hear them scream like mad
Really we are very bad
Diseased or disabled downers they
Lay around and die a way
Out for them such agony
We believe that larceny
Is more appealing profit wise
Then we tell the public lies
They are prodded and shocked and carted away
Throats cut limbs hacked off they say
Many are conscious through all of that
But That is where the cows are at
Sows in gestation crates all day
Piglets their testicles torn away
Their tails snipped off their teeth are too
This is what the farmers do
Many so injured slammed to the ground
And lay there weeping hear the sound
Tiny babies their wretched lives
Ended in these futile dives
If they grow and have escaped
From constant beatings and being raped
The slaughterhouse is where they go
Throats cut bled out they won’t grow
Anymore no not at all
the farmers make the final call
Hung up throats slashed the dance of death
We were unprepared to share to our breath
From farm to fridge the only route
Is agony and torture which doesn’t suit
Any so us not at all
But sadly humans it’s our call
We can be humane and all say no
Go vegan it’s a choice I know
I went vegan and look at me
I am alive and still happy
If everyone did what I did
Try hard just to lift the lid
Stop the torture stop the pain
So that those who are born
Can live again
As pets as friends or in the wild
Enjoy their life enjoy their child
Cruelty would never be
Part of their life then they would be free
Not as many surely no
Creation would help us all to grow
Side by side each species part
Of planet earth ruled by the heart