Cy Borg generation

There it is cyborgs
It’s coming real fast
Micro chipped slaves
Our die has been cast

In less than three years
An implantable chip
In one of our hands
Enjoy the trip

RFID’s biometrics are here
Finger prints eye scans
Heart rate
it’s clear

No watches no keys
What will they do
Chop off our fingers
Then burgle us too

Big brother sorry
Hitlers returned
They talk about shopping
But I am much more concerned

With all these technologies
It’s gone too far
I am ditching the lot
For where we are

Is on constant surveillance
Nothing we do
Is private no more
We’re their slaves all through

The Tories have done it
Laid this lot on
We have to get out of it
Tell them we have gone

Throw out the cell phone tell apple farewell
I pads and mac books
Send them all to Hell

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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