Lions have value as targets
The American hunter has paid
South African farmers to root up their trees
To do away with their cattle
For they wanted to please
It’s all about money
The greatest extent
Farm lions for hunters
To kill and it sent
A message that truthfully
Canned hunting pays
At the bank
To be frank
It’s a new malaise
Farming those orange trees
That’s where they sank
Lots of their money
But now it’s the bank
That encourages balances
High as the sky
So the lion is the target
And now you know why
The illustrious hunter
Don’t use that word here
It’s wholly negative
Inducing fear
For the prospect of hunting
so never mind
We are farmers still
What we left behind
Was our sanity truthfully
Our masters said
farm lions boys farm lions
So we can shoot them dead
So that’s what we are doing
Farming these souls
Who make us big money
The American trolls
Who come with their entourage
And our guarantee
That on hunting days out
They shoot lions and be
Taking their body parts home
With them they
Are trophy hunters
All canned for the day