Is it now all over
The insanity of it all
The elite and the corporations
Are apparently going to rule
Our country for another reign
Of terror that we know
The foxes and the badgers
And the fracking all will grow
More likely to be hunted
To be culled
And drilled so we
Those of us who care about the animals
Will be
Lost in some confusion as to why
The people feel
It’s better to vote Tory
And let Cameron feel real
The foxes in their earths must now be
The badgers in their setts
Must be there too
And those of us who know about this fracking
For shale gas well we know
What Cameron and the light blues
Now will do
The march into their future will be
For fracking will destroy the countryside
A lot of people now will feel the fury
And realise
Just how much they have lied
It’s our water it’s our air
And it’s our children
Who will suffer in the future for we know
The frackers are a load of greedy frackers
And the people will be told that they can go
Frack themselves the corporate goons are coming
A wall of yellow common purpose will
Strong arm their way across our base community
And let the fracking waters simply spill
A sad day for our country that’s my feeling
The foxes and the badgers sadly they
Are marginalised and left to die now in their droves
And as for fracking it’s our children who will pay