Autism and the claim made by Katie Hopkins

It be your presumption
Your hypothesis
That autism stems
From a crazy thesis
An excuse to claim benefit
From the big pot
No Katie Hopkins
That isn’t the lot
Of parents with
Children whose instinctive minds
Register sadness
Under the lines
Of Inexpectation
Of unforeseen woe
Perhaps disappointed
That they didn’t know

They had no fore glimpse
To pre vision they
Expected their infant
Imagined the day
That rhapsodic moment
That creative spell
When wonderment
Hit them
Not a rock out of hell

It’s about being there
It’s about knowing you
Can realise perfection
In all that you do
Autistic persuasion is acceptance and we
Must realise equivalence expressively

You need an interpreter
To show you the light
For solutions are found
When the true force is right
You need to précis
The linguistics of soul
To define and expound
And somehow control

The wrong end of the stick
Is apparently
A translation error
A true travesty
A manifestation of error and fire
A shameless and brazen attack on a higher
Spirit, than yours
Let me somehow make clear
The unspoken heart
Is the word we call fear

The transmission of knowledge
The narration of fact
The caution and warning of how we react
The insinuation
The inference here
And the certain camouflage
Laced with fresh fear

The suppression of truth
The mysterious too
And the expose
Of autism view
Who is the teacher?
The initiator
Who speaks of falsehoods
The manipulator

Mendacious and empty
A chiseling creep
Who seldom sees evidence
In what they reap

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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