To those of you swimming with dolphins

To those of you swimming with dolphins
Delve into your own minds and see
What it was truthfully made you want that
And why would you want this, my plea

Is simple cetaceans are stressed out
Be mindful less selfish
Be thoughtful be caring for goodness sake try
Locked in a pond of our making
The dolphins they constantly cry

These creatures are highly developed
Imagine us in a white cell
Nothing to excite our senses
Locked in our own flipping Hell
Fed with dead fish from a bucket
Tossed to us, imagine that
Swimming in what is our own fecal matter
Imagine it, that’s where they are at

Memories flood back with boredom
The wildness where once they did fly
Where they caught their own food
But not anymore now they are wanting to die

Trillions and trillions of vile bad bacteria
Congregate in this blue place
Where chemicals often create the colour
Sadly an awful disgrace

Whether it’s ozone or chlorine
It’s not like a natural sea
It’s artificial, they feel compromised
Why wouldn’t they that is the key

Hopelessness is the agenda
A despondency throws them off course
It’s just like a fantasy movie
With an ill-omened ominous source

All sorts of illnesses manifest there
It is a fearsome ado
Captivity isn’t a happy event
And when swimming with them they accrue

Infection and will pass infection
On to those swimming be sure
It isn’t right to be swimming with dolphins
As tourists or trainers


This at your peril, remember
your illness you may pass that on
You may curtail their existence
You may be the reason they are gone

The big aqua parks are so arrogant
They make claims that they save their souls
They are the ignorant people
The big corporation, controls

Not only the dolphins and Orca’s
But also it’s audience too
It’s trainers no brainers
They all are controlled
Thats what the sea worlds now do

Thank goodness for blackfish
And cove and the others
People who put up the cash
To show all the audiences all around the world
That swimming with dolphins ain’t flash

So please stay away from cetaceans at play
Don’t let sea world capture them, they
Need to be returned to the ocean
And this done without any delay

Shut down Taiji where dolphins are caught
And sold off to sea world each year
All of these dealings of men without feelings
Create in themselves massive fear

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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