Hunting they call this
It’s brutal and wrong
What Canada’s doing
Just doesn’t belong
On this earth
At this time
It’s violence and pain
It’s murdering innocent
Babies again
For years it’s been happening
Malice and woe
Out in the ice fields
Where cold waters flow
Such rotten spitefulness
It’s just too much
And proves beyond anything
out of touch
He talks up tradition
For fishermen who
Are the cruelest sick bastards
That anyone knew
They aim to bring humanity
Down on its knees
Bloodthirsty savagery
With atrocious ease
These are little children
Still nursing that’s they
Close to their mothers
What can one say
Down come the louts without doubts
Just big picks
Bashing the life out of babies
With sticks
Their brain matter spills all over the place
These men a caustic
They are a disgrace
Have they got mothers sisters and wives
How can you stay with them
Spending your lives
Sharing their love for you
Sharing your pain
These bloody fishermen they are insane
A seal is so soft and so innocent they
Are there on the ice they can’t get away
The men with their sticks bash the life out of them
Crush their small spines and their brain stem
Why Do they do this to supplement wages
It’s something they do and have done for ages
Every year it happens and the world sighs
And anyone remotely human just cries
These sealers are ghouls,they are vicious as hell
Baleful and treacherous
Hostile as well
Ruthless hard hearted
They threaten us all
The frighten the children
Crushed by the wall
Of ice the blood streams as the bodies are dragged
They are a curse on us all and when bagged
And stripped of their skin
These bodies they rot
So you wear seal skins
And if you do not
Why don’t you stop this get harper. to say
He is going to stop this murdering way
Canada’s run by the psycho’s for sure
All of this blood snot and mucus and more
And all done on infants that’s babies and why
Humanity ends there when these babies die
Canada stop this it’s evil and wrong
Murdering babies yes all along
For vanity and fashion for shoes what a case
You are not members of our human race