Pure theft

Purity and morality
Sadly don’t exist
Man unkind desist
From the ultimate of larceny
The theft of life that we
The defilement of the infant
Its how it has to be
The grossness and the nastiness
We see the roving eye
The baby dragged out of its warmth
We are it’s actual lie
This is our indecent assault
And it’s so unclean
Unmentionable unquotable
Unprintable and obscene

Unvirtuous and immoral
Launching life today
Using a contraption
To really get ones way
To tear the infant out of
The so called formality
Transgression a procession of evil let us say
Helping with creation
And the order of the day

A total misdemeanour
A misfeasance of sorts
The baby is manhandled
We watch what’s in our thoughts
This is her day of reckoning
Infliction and the trial
Nemesis so early on
And humanities denial

Dragged into a crate away
The mother cannot see
Can’t touch her darling offspring
Who lies there tragically
Alone it’s eye on heaven
The rainbow bridge away
Persecuted and victimised
On her own birthday

The third degree her torment
She will take the consequences
It’s the way it has to be
It’s her form of punishment
A condemned cell where she
Is to be forgotten
For her milk is meant for me

I am the average human being
Who is sold the right to steal
The dairy is the mechanism
There is no appeal
Just the calf, the baby it’s eyes
Upon the moon
It’s heart is beating frantically
It’s death is coming soon

Nirvana was it’s ultimate
Sanctity. Till we
Became the godlike super force
The actual infamy
That truly j special richness
Needed for the infant to survive
Was to be our whitener
In the coffee of the live

Was to be our ploughman
In the pubs down any street
Was to be our frozen cream
To off set the suns heat
Was to be nutrition
The rendition of the thief
Was to be the larcenist
Which is beyond belief

The mother she is laden
With the udders of the soul
Connected to the apparatus
For her only role
Is to the immediacy
Of kidnap and beyond
Of fattening the human child
Whose gut becomes the pond

The mother becomes mechanised
Her colostrum she has lost
Her baby is now dying
That pint you drink has cost
The mother and her baby
The most tragic steal we know
The godlessness of insanity
The everlasting flow

Hathor is the goddess
Who stands serene and strong
Staring at the farmyard
Knowing all is wrong
Hearing that poor little calf
Crying out for breath
Sucking in the chemicals
And finding her new death
This is life she questions
Why so short and why
The milk of human kindness
Has actually run dry

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to Pure theft

  1. elizabeth green says:

    So sad and inconceivable that this should be the ‘norm’…and the last two lines are so poignant… Another poem fron the soul, Rex.. x

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