A white dress and boots
Stood there in the sun
A big ram hung swinging
Look what she’s done
Stripping the skin
And the wool of his back
Stood on his head
So under attack
She is the hunter
Who doesn’t care less
She gets off on killing
On causing them stress
She says they are not sentients
No feelings at all
She’s describing herself now
Well that is her call
She needs a beating
A flogging yes too
Inflicting this agony
Is what they do
She has to realise
What she does there
Is abominable
And filled with despair
She is just darkness
A maiden of death
Begrudging the animals
Sharing our breath
Her bloody bones
Are the rankest ghost girl
We should goblinize her
And bloody well hurl
Her vile ugly body
Into the abyss
Where the devil won’t miss her
I am not taking the piss
The animal kingdom
Have much love around
A devotion and amorousness
I have found