Nilboguba and the precious Beluga’s

It’s insidious behaviour
Hardly worthy, we
Must have respect for animals
The angels of the sea
What is vile skullduggery
The mind games we employ
On torturing and Brain washing
the larceny of joy

These finless whales
Designed to swim under
The arctic sheet
Beluga which mean white whale
That alone,is a feat
An almost alien head
Something of beauty so unique
Tiny eyes
Incredibly wise
And a tiny beak

Nilboguba a small village
Where the fishermen there, hunt
Capturing these angels
In fact to confront
And steal
These soulful beasts
And train them so that they
Lose their fear of humans
So truthfully make them pay

Artificially change them
This is a tortured trait
So as to sell them to the circuses
That was never fate
It’s months and months of suffering
It’s anguish angst and pain
Stolen from ones habitat
With nothing for to gain

It’s purely being broken in
Remorse regret all they
Receive from this arrangement
A kind of judgement day
A complete loss of freedom
A humanised ordeal
Redesigned for circus
The hopelessness is real

At least half of those captured
Die, why wouldn’t they?
They are sensitive creatures
Who would want to get away
Known as the sea canary
Their song is pure and sweet
They hunt deep,choosing tasty squid
It’s what they like to eat

Being trained to want to
Perform is not their thing
For goodness sake they are wild souls
That is what will bring
The haunting thrilling need to be
Exhilarated by
The organic nature of the ocean
And in fact what does swim by

The misery of capture
The constancy of despair
The weariness of expression
Of course it isn’t fair
The gloom of our confinement
The gravity they feel
Crestfallen and reactive
Why would it appeal

They are not cash cows After all
Freedom means a lot
They sing a happy tune they do
A dirge no they do not not
It’s uninspiring clearly
The tediousness is there
It’s monotonous and boring
And Beluga’s are aware

Man in that respect is simple
Ignorant yea too
His regard for money
His ugliness all through
Precludes the expectation
The conviction and the care
He fails to feel the true extent
And obviously can’t share

Taiji has become famous
For it’s drives now in Japan
Nilboguba though nobody knows
The Belugas they began
To suffer and be tortured
And the world apparently
Cannot sense their terror
Nor feel their true antipathy

We must stand beside them
We must light the light
We can maintain are path out of
The darkness set a sight
Forward for a circus
An aqua park of course
Is a prison it’s a chamber
Of torture where we force
The innocent to leap through hoops
And pander to the fools
The insensitive the wicked
The most, selfish of ghouls

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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