It happened in Ewhurst

It happened in Ewhurst
In Surrey
In the borough of Waverley
The Surrey Union Hunt
Was having a punt
Which led to a deer’s
Dire despair

Their terrier men
Took umbrage to those
Saboteurs who tried to aid
A deer that was injured
Being pulled by its legs
It’s fate tragically had
Been laid

Apparently there was
A whole different world
Out there we could see
The hunter the hunted
And those hopeful hounds
The brave saboteurs
Doing their rounds

There is open conflict
No common ground
Discord, it happens
Almost every hound
Is after the deer or the fox
In the field
It’s all bitter sweet
Though somewhat concealed

Much disagreement
Like chalk and cheese
Discrepant and incongruous
Some try to please
Emotional thoughts
Cause exceptional pain
It happens a lot
And will happen again

A Disequilibrium happens
We see
A lop sidedness and a disparity
Retrieval recovery neutralisation
Measure for measure
And of course reparation

Enter the boys in blue
Leading the way
Out to manoeuvre
Trying to say
The saboteurs had best
Now Leave the place
Get off private land
And be gone without trace

Meanwhile the terrier men
Did their thing
Dragged the poor creature
Trying to bring
Clearly its agony
Was taking its toll
As many could see

Embroiled in this tangle
This whole disarray
This slovenly discord
Why did this deer pay
The sab’s could have helped
But it wasn’t to be
And the poor Deer it suffered
So tragically

Before the courts
The 4 saboteurs
Were freed of the charge
And it occurs
Had they been given
The chance to help out
Would have helped the poor Deer
Without any doubt

The police too were arrogant
It did appear
Where there was courage
We also saw fear
Changeable fickleness
Transientness too
And a realization
Of just getting through

The saboteurs clearly
Were happy to be
Regarded as right
And with consistency
Acknowledged as capable
Cogent and strong
And in point of fact
Not be seen as wrong

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts). Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to It happened in Ewhurst

  1. matilde lordon says:

    Brilliant my friend

    • Rex Tyler says:

      dear. Matilde. Lovely to hear from you glad you liked what I did I so enjoy meeting up with you every so often you are a really supporting and wonderful friend x

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