It’s very very risky
Long term for all who do
Consume meat and it’s imperative
And far and away not new
It’s ever since the corporates
Have muscled in on trade
The super stores and the CAFO’s
They all started to raid
The vast layers of trading
That’s when victims became
Right down at the lower end
Of course the very same
The voiceless ones the powerless ones
That’s why farmers tried
To look to other means to make
A buck which they have denied
But really it is out there
And drugs have found their way
Into the equation whatever farmers say
The vets the supermarkets
Even the FDA
Are feeling the pressure
As the health of some really decay
Farmers found it possible
For antibiotics too
Raise the growth weight of the beasts
Whatever they did do
They also found it reduced the food
They needed, so win win
But cephalosporins affect us all
And they are used now by the bin
If they are ineffective for humans then we see
Infections running rampant
And it’s us In fact who be
Really at risk from serious illness
So it’s not a great idea
But the corporates make money
Despite increasing fear
The authorities are leaned upon
By the corporates who will
Do anything to increase Their margins
In this regard their skill
Is huge and very powerful
The meat and poultry trade
Digs it’s teeth in bloody hard
They are part of the parade
The FDA are calling for a voluntary ban
It’s like asking the corporates
Financially to plan
Their business on less margins
Less profits in the pie
It’s bloody well impossible
That is the reason why
It’s happening already
And the animals are made
Sick by all this drugging Up
In their guts it’s laid
And it’s not down to infections
It’s greed just fucking greed
They pay their staff poor wages
Than the animals too they need
Cleaner bigger premises
And better organic food
But of course they get the opposite
Which is in fact so crude
The safest way of eating
Is be vegan cut the cost
The animals are suffering
Their future health is lost
The environment with methane
The animals with drugs
Our general health because of it all
And The increasing power of bugs