You trying to get under my skin?

The creator of all life
Made me mate
Forced me to live where it’s cold
I am a wild soul
That’s why I am in control
But you cretins use me as bait

Like you I am a child of the universe
My spirit is part of us all
You miserable wretches
As far as life stretches
Your evil it just does appal

You strip me of my skin
And make it
Into your fashion you do
You are the nastiest morons alive
Anti fur as it were
It is true

The trapping
The skinning
The murder
We survive out there we do
You human beings need the trapping
And skinning
And anal electrocution too

And what’s it about
So that you wear our skin
Dye it and brush it
You don’t hear the din
You can’t hear the babies
Scream out in the night
You can’t know the agony
It’s out of sight

You wear our skins
And you think it looks right
But actually it looks remarkably bad
You look terribly ugly
And In reality sad

The fur trade’s a bloody trade
The fur trade don’t care
The likes of the big stores
Are never aware
It’s the bottom line
The pokers they use
It burns our entrails
And does so abuse

At Harvey Nichols
At Harrods as well
Bloody great stores
With a real horrid smell
They deal in the mucus
They deal in the pain
It’s all about profit
And going insane

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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