Rain was forecast
And did it come
Not a bit though we had some
Compassion, care,and loving,we
All shared the spirit avidly
From noon we joined each other there
Outside the embassy we did share
Masses of banners
Whistles and drums
And the gradual wintry
Breeze that numbs
Then the companionship
The moving chants
Our affirmations
Increase the chance
And our Dolphin brethren must by now
Our combined efforts
Were for real
Sworn to be
Protecting cetaceans in the sea
We came together
We kicked up a show
And We truly had to let them know
Photo’s, video’s
Watch them go
Stop the slaughter
We are in the flow
All that sound
The trees above us
And all around
THe traffic trail
The Honks and hoots
How can we fail
It’s within our roots
Its Within our hearts
And Within our soul
Our collective spirits are in control
Well spoken
Thanks Matilda for your comments it was a coming together
For all living creatures thankyou all for being the mainstay of the day