Taiji just a small fishing village but so evil

Arched balcony windows
The red sun exposed
Bobbies in luminous jackets
They posed
A miserable countenance
This time I thought
Cajoled and harried us
We just felt caught
Up in their stress levels
Constantly they
Moved us all on
And upset the day

The barriers strung down the street
Made it hard
But we made a noise
We kept on our guard
Watching them freezing
Stomping their feet
They were not very happy
On yesterday’s beat
Our combined breath rose
Up into the sky
We chanted for hours
Till our poor throats
Felt dry
The embassy staff
Must have felt all this woe
Directed at them
Through the day
It did grow

There were many hundreds
Excited to be
Shoulder to shoulder
All ready to see
We all felt the need
The callousness they
The Japanese fisherman
How they display
Such real inclemency
Impassively so
They have no pity
And, does it show
They have a spitefulness
All to their own
The killing of Dolphins
Is worse than we’ve known
And it’s all down to greed
And profit for they
Are the great Nemesis
Out in the bay

Condoning this action
As the Japanese
Appear to be doing
With resultant ease
No matter how we chant
No matter they still
Kill their 23,000 or so
And they fill
Their guts with the
Sweet Minamata
Vile swill
And some they will
sell as slaves
As most of us know
Kidnapping babies
For some Aqua show
Killing their mothers
In front of them, they
Are sent back to the sea
To die painfully

So many people from around this world
Now feel the great agony
No one does shield
The pitiless souls
From this vindictive sin
They are grudgeful
And malevolent
Inside their skin
Something quite rotten
Shameful and queer
Weird to the extreme
Drawing the fear
And the emotion
Out of us all
Who come to make our point
With our backs to the wall

We feel the honour
The courtesy there
And the admiration
Nothing can compare
To all of us believers
Who stand in the cold
The humiliation
In it we are rolled
Their complete disdainfulness
Makes us not feel
That we should now boycott Japan
Not conceal our feelings
Go after them
And their desire
To slaughter the dolphins
How can we admire
The Taiji fishermen
The Taiji mayor
And their tradition
When they are just not aware

Of how much and how incensed
So many are
At their modus operandi
Now working to scar
The wild life so precious
Loved by us all
We all come together
Our protest our call
Our collective affirmations
Our hearts and our souls
Warm with emotion
Each taking on roles

Yesterday’s honourable protest
Just grew
We came from all over
Till our fingers turned blue
With red paint denoting
The blood and despair
The evil the terror
We could all share
Imagining the agony
The pithing rods stuck
Into our families spines
Hearing them suck
Into their being the last throes
Of breath
The lack of true consciousness
And the agonised death

Unprincipled man unkind
Knavish arrant
Really insidious
We witness each pant
We watch the blood leaking
As they hammer the peg
Know they bleed internally
Their sweet eyes beg
Each of us here today
Hoping that we
Can save them
Can help them
Can, honestly see
Japan isn’t listening
Perhaps cannot hear
Here hard hearted men of the sea
Do spread fear
All over the planet
With their most wicked crime
Their Debauched and depraved
Way of now killing time

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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