Skinned alive

To be skinned alive
For a store like this
To boost it’s profits
In it’s own abyss

It sinks and draws
Those of you who
Follow them refusing
To see what they do

China is abusing
Thousands and they
Hang them on hooks
And rip skin away

They bawl to the heavens
But Harrods doesn’t care
It’s money and margin
It’s, about their hair

Their skin
Their fur
Their pain
We activists want to remind
You again

We give up our weekends to hopefully
To save all these earthlings
That otherwise die

Where is your ethic
Why do we let
The karmic balance fall into debt

Families are broken up
Their children die
It’s not just one animal
They tell the lie

Dogs and cats stolen
Many alas
Reach the animal
A seething morass

No anaesthesia
So much despair
A cuff or a collar
And you are not aware

It might be called faux fur
The stores they remain
Quiet to the horror
It is though insane

sentient people
Buy into this trade
And Harrods
And Harvey Nicols
Join the parade

We are the activists
Helping you see
Just how immoral the stores
Are and we

Want you to listen
Want you to care
Want you to love
All the creatures out there

Do you have a cat
Do you have a dog
How do you feel
Some even jog
With their little animal
How would you feel if someone
Stole them
It really is real

Your cat and your dog
Murdered and killed
For An anorak collar
It’s blood is spilled

Listen to our protest
Lend us your ears
Give us support
Put an end to their tears

Boycott these large stores
Remember the pain
The tears and the torment
And now please refrain

From supporting Harrods and Harvey Nichols

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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