Purgatory is where this is at

drag them down
And cut their throats
Prod them as they lie
It’s a blood bath
A great raucous shout
And, no place to die

Huddled in a heap and being beaten
With a really heavy pole, that rips
Into their head
With the meanest of control
On,what is a gentle soul
Bashed and bashed and bashed till they
Fall dead

The fear the pain the brutality the evil
Slipping and sliding in a blood bath of despair
Hell which no man no thief no rapist would want to see
And all of this is playing out
Now in front of me

These are beasts with feeling
Treated with depravity
By so called men
By sentients
They are supposedly

Being paid to do this work
A torturing display
Of hatred and aversion
And malice all the way

Hear the crash of pole on bone
A living skull with feelings they
Carry on breathing somehow
How for me no way

Blood almost up to their shoes
These men is that their role
Have they wives and families
They certainly have no soul

To imagine the execration
This malicious and vile intent
They look up at their murderers
And roar
How is this meant

It’s totally offensive
Nauseous I see
As they writhe there
In each other’s blood
In enraged hostility

Egypt is now sinking
In it’s abyss of sin
You really couldn’t make this up
Such rancour and such a din

Filming such a vile sick place
Like serving it for tea
It’s hideousness and harshness
And repulsiveness and free

The weeping the disgusting
The harassing ordeal
To leave this world in such dire straits
Objectionable I feel

Treating animals just like shit
An affront really where does this sit
In the worst kind of nightmares
And horror now of sorts
A place where we as humans
Should not imagine thoughts

So bad so sad so horrible
On intelligent animals who
Were gentle and were innocent
All their short lives through

I hardly dare to watch this
I am made sick by it I
Do not want to close my eyes
Tonight OMG why
Purgatory an invention
For demented souls like these
This accursed place of evil
Let’s just sink on our knees

As you push your super trolley
Slowly around the aisles
And pristine polystyrene trays
You too should face the trials
And rabid tribulations
For before it got to here
Hell broke out the torture camps
And unadulterated fear

So take it home and cook it and eat it
And believe
It’s right to stuff your intestines
Imagining you achieve
Nutrition from this terror
From this ugly evil pain
That those poor souls suffered before they died
Can you hear their rife refrain

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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