The frack stops here
But does it
We deal in fracks they say
But they don’t have all of the fracks
And are going to make us pay
Shale it seems is the new sliced bread
Which the governments got behind
The bloody energy argument
But they are all out of their mind
It’s a dirty filthy process
It badly affects the air
And our water quality so there!
Pollution is a factor
And to waste water perhaps
The most precious of ingredients
Millions of gallons under wraps
And Cameron wants to give them rights
To drill under our land
To pollute our parks and rivers
I can’t understand
The logic or the mentality
We get nothing in return
Whilst the fat cats make a killing
The rest of us we burn
And they cannot understand why
We would protest
March with placards
Calling for an end
They don’t live in the real world
All these eton ites
Most of them
Are fracking well around the bend