Grass fed beef
Beggars belief
That’s what moo cows eat
For years they ate the fresh
Green grass
Plantain and clover sweet
Wild plants they were up to it
Instinctively they knew
The plants that kept them healthier
On them then they did chew
Then the corporate world took over
Profits became power
Supermarkets paying less and less
And less and how!
So cows then got the treatment
Mouldy straw and meat
Bones and hair and feathers
And grass became their treat
Till in the trade they cottoned on
To grass fed beef which they
Said was of course better
In every sodding way
Back to their heritage diet
And charge the public more
And cut the margin takers
Knocking on their door
That meant cows were happier
Ha ha ha ha ha
And now would you believe it
They have come so far
GMO grass
From today
Roundup ready all the way
So cows will eat the GM crap
And we shall get it too
And pay a nice fat premium
Because that’s what we do
And we are all becoming cow like
That’s said anyway
Dumbed down numbed down
Round up ready down
Though not prepared to say
A dickey bird just let them
Fcuk with us for they
Are really happy doing that
And making sure we pay