Berkhamasted’s branch of Santander
the staff all of them are so aware
of customers needs and service too
they are special folk all good and true
helpful, caring, never phased
as a team they should be praised
beyond their station for clearly they
are the best team now in the UK
how fortunate you have Michelle
a lovely way
and I always shall
recall her kindness and her soul
for she runs your branch with
great control
Aaron such an amazing man
of Aaron really I am a fan
he is kind and considerate
a trustworthy lad
and he always is positive
and I am so glad
to be here at Berkhamsted
with such a team
as a Santander customer
they are a dream
a delight
they give banking a very good name
quietly and diligently
their claim to fame
another man there
always says hello
but I have had no direct dealings with him
and Susan or Sandra I never can remember her name
but this team of people are second to none there is no bank that I know or that I have ever known where the staff are so happy and so effective
Your manager is exceptional as are all the staff and i do hope
you will see to it that the higher ups realize how good they really are
a lot are taken from granted but this lot should never be