Chicken sheds

The Cafo is a concentrated hellhole
For horror even Edgar Allan Poe
Couldn’t have dreamed up anything as squalid
assemblages of such vastness and they grow
A sea of filthy crammed in aching bodies
The smell of shit and urine cuts the air
The rabble scramble fighting for their own space
The rush the crush the numb the dumb all there

It’s seething with the maggots of the fly blown
The roaches they inhabit in great throngs
The rats are not that far behind gnawing at the flesh
We have broken every law and all the wrongs
Are evident their lives have disintegrated
They fight for every corn seed that is tossed
They peck like wild piranha and suffer gaping wounds
Life in these vast sheds is one huge cost

And these frail ragged warriors are ready
To fulfil their role and they of course will be
Stuck in some wet sandwich or in one of those buckets
Scoffed by all and sundry for their tea
They twitch they snitch they pitch their itch is hourly
Existence is a brief moment in time
In a few weeks they grow pumped up with hormones
Out of their pit of shit one day to climb

Onto dinner plates around the cities
Pumped with antibiotics more so we
Are fucking up the chicken generation
And causing multiple harm to those who be
Ready to confront the breaded offering
The sauces and the spices that create
Something kind of special in our stomachs
Listen will you to the big debate

These souls and they are souls born of creation
Are tortured from the moment they are born
A few short weeks of terror, it’s our error
But a few short weeks and life from them is torn
The subhuman low life labourers come to fetch them
Throw them into cages as if they
Were sacks of shit they get no care no none at all
Injured maimed and tortured all the day

Wings smashed legs crushed this is how we treat them
The agony of piece rates seems to me
To once again present them with the horror
Of deaf blind stupid humans who won’t see
It’s all about production the destruction
Of husbandry of caring for those who
We expect to bring more profit to the table
Who we physically destroy that’s what we do

This is the true holocaust these chickens
Really couldn’t suffer any more
Their lives are one big agony
They have no opportunity
For them their permanence of life was war
Transported in wire cages to the slaughterhouse
Crushed and bleeding one can only cry
One can only wonder at their purpose
Looking up at what they see as sky

Everywhere is blood stained on the gibbets
They are thrust disgusting carousels of death
The guillotine may cut their throat or miss them
And in the scalding tanks they then will note
Rubbed out by the hand of death they suffered
How they suffered how they took it on
These wretches knew of complete desolation
Doomed they were completely woebegone

These chicken corpses riddled with bacteria
Cry plague and god know what else,really they
Underwent such heinous ugly moments
A Fulsome fetid and intolerable display
Their corporate masters set this up accordingly
Every chicken born in that vile place
A concentration camp of such proportions
They of course are lost without a trace

Into our filthy acid ridden gobs they go
Trans fats follow animals fats as well
Hydrogenated grease and all the residues
End up in our intestinal pipes of hell
Tubes that pulse and move the regeneration
The torn up shredded bodies of those who
Were raised in absolute squalor with the roaches and the flies
And now are forming flesh that becomes you yes girls and guys
For you are what you eat and you are eating
Desperation despondency despair
Writing these words on this page
Is giving me goose bumps
Such consternation are you now aware?

How repellant you’ve become and just how cowardly
You turned your head away and would not see
The odious ness the hatefulness the loathsome ness
The abomination present that is thee
Is it any wonder that those chickens will come on back to haunt you
And they will
For karma knows the overdrawn and cancer comes from evil spawn
And inevitably the experience will kill

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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