Those poor babies

Don’t kick no more

pretend your dead

as the hammer comes down

on your  sweet head


these are babies

babies they

how many times do I have to say

babies no one worries much

let them struggle

they do as such


reality the farmer bods

they must cry out to their gods

Hathor wife of Horus hear

come and help me

so much fear


so much agony

so much pain

the brutality

they are insane


the cracking crushing

smashing sound

“it kind of works”

as they just pound


these babies heads

each crushing blow

and still they kick

trying to go


to get away

kicked and rolled

smashed in eyes

the pain untold


de horned some

blood curdling cries

the dairy hell

do you realize


the pain and the suffering

metered out

to babies

surely I want out


of this life now

for what I see

men do to babies

who were beautifully


crafted by creations hand

so miraculous

who dares understand


the futility the suffering here

the economics

oh goddess its clear


milk and cheese

its agony

its every sort of infamy

its hell on earth

its heinous its

crazy  and these

men are shits


of the lowest order

I cant abide

such cruelty

down deep inside

it  plays havoc with my

heart too

as to what these men did do




About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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