Oh here comes the herring
the silver flying darts
that is until the Orca
The Orca with big hearts
and power to rush
headlong into
a shoal of milky white
the herring are now spawning
in the kombu and its alright
the orca ATTACK
with their tails they smack
and a hundred Herring die
scooped up in the melee
400 or so a day
not like bloody seaworld
where they are rotten by the way
but fresh and living herring
as tasty as they can be
living still inside of us
straight out of the sea
the concrete tanks of aquaparks
where one should never go
for there are buckets of dead fish
rancid as well you know
and no plant life and no life force
nothing but sterile tanks
and very smelly water
and profit for seaworlds banks