Blackfish (Just saw it on BBC 4)

Tilikum on my PC

a handsome

Blackfish, he

12,000 pounds of muscle

with a fold down fin for free


here was a huge gigantic soul

capable of much

confined inside a holding pool

with people who could touch


males for 50 years

females some  may double that

but watching this film……… tears


Seaworld’s made a business

out of orca’s, killer whales

and Dolphins and have abused them

and arrogance prevails


lots of bloody lawyers

the gift, of the gab

but terrible fatalities

of trainers on the slab


Dawn was clearly murdered

almost torn apart

and they said it was an accident

her error from the start


her pony tail her error

the terror must have been

awful all that violence

from a pure killing machine


Tilikum was frustrated

a wild Orca cannot be

subjected to such disfavour

he attacked her viciously


she never ever stood a chance

he really couldn’t stop

he abandoned all his loving thoughts

and clearly had a strop



we have not learned a lot from

all this captivity

the sense of earning money

clouds our memory


we haven’t really understood

how tragic it is to

kidnap them from the ocean

drag them from the blue


from all those miles of froth and brine

that living soup of sea

and rub ones hands before the bank

and watch them tragically


go inside themselves

and suffer enormously

their whole lives being wasted

so the balance sheet can see


profit lots of shamu  toys

selling everyday

raising up the margins

making it all pay


whilst the orca’s fret and limp around

a concrete pool where they

know their destiny is somewhere’s else

but they still  have to pay


whilst  business men in boardrooms

work out each regime

and black fish sail the oceans

of their created dream



another trainer he would die

and others injured too

all were trainer error

that’s what Sea world do


suspect a misdemeanour

its not the Orca’s fault

its not about atonement

that is what we thought


keeping these great mammals

in rock pools in great parks

is lacking understanding

for there now are the marks


of total bloody ignorance

the raking and the size

the Orca’s need the ocean

not the rock pools

why the surprise?



water work interactions

are dangerous so to say

trainers cannot get in the water

with them or so they

now say


the show is so important

we need to get back to

the place where both trainer and the Orca

can be in  full view


when will the directors listen

when will Sea World see

when will Sea World realize

how it has to be


when will all these airlines

stop sending people there

for its not entertainment

just hours of pure despair



the wild ones need the


the great expanse of brine

they need the interaction

not in  this confine


this soup bowl of existence

designed for sea world to

make its money and contain its costs

depends my dears on YOU


to come on through the turnstiles

to buy the chinese gear

to exchange your US dollars

for a heap of Chinese fear


and to sacrifice the Orca’

and the dolphin and the rest

for the shareholders and others

who continue to invest



in what is a failing


as more acts say goodbye

as airlines start to listen up

and ex- trainers know they lie


as the thinking public listen

as they then score

its the blackfish who is the master

that we, must not ignore













About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to Blackfish (Just saw it on BBC 4)

  1. Lone Wolf says:

    Watched it at least 3 times, just a brilliant masterpiece…
    Thanks for the beautiful fitting poem, Rex <3
    Wish you luck brother <3

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