Benatton and the angora angels

Tsunamis of people great tidal wave surges

pour passed the Oxford Street Store

and there in the front stands one  Robert Platt

and his angora angels and more


it takes courage and fortitude

up against that lot

and the negative aura’s all around

but where there is light

there’s one hell of a fight

and the angels will never be drowned


for rights on their side

the wrong all can see

the rabbits their squeals are real

and to be


piling up profit on that basis they

can never win through

for too many pay


Benatton’s stance

is the wrong one  for they

show ruthlessness and callousness

remorselessly,  we pay


in blood sweat and tears

whilst impassively the store

feels so hard done by

forgetting the gore


forgetting the torture

forgetting the pain

these are innocent creatures

whose souls really drain


into their beings

imagine how you

would feel being hurt

which is what they now do


Robert and all of the angels around

know of the agony and won’t give ground

Benatton’s theory will never hold

for the angels are many

each with hearts made of gold



Police, Council members

who ever, they hope

will just move us on

at the end of the rope


we yes may dangle

but we know we are right

and good always wins

over bad so the fight


is on


its on  its on track

“empty the shop and never come back”







vibes you can feel




About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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