Audited accounts

Audited and then approved

they got their confirmation

of shipment out to Gaza

that’s the demonstration


some arse behind a desk

ticks boxes doesn’t have a clue

once the accountants have authorised

the shipment what’s to do






Australia exports the precious

animals abroad

the farmers wipe their hands of them

for they will not afford


to worry now unduly

they kill them anyway

they are all bred for beef and milk then beef

so all they say


is they are off for export

they do not care a toss

any more expenditure

for them will be a loss


and so the poor old animals

are shipped down to the port

loaded on the bloody ship

with not a second thought


if asked, it all was audited

audited my arse!

some idiot behind some desk

who was, out of his class


probably eats cow burgers

and doesn’t even care

the cows and sheep are on their way

which of course they are aware


some will perish on the journey

probably its best

and others get to Gaza

to the slaughterhouse

and the rest!


it has all been said before

but this time it is worse

the place is fucking filthy

its as if there was a curse


everywhere the creature looks

there’s blood and snot and poo

trachea’s, hanging from bloodied hooks 

that’s just one ghastly view


it must, put the wind up

even the toughest cow

who is forced to walk into

the wheel of death

I might ask how?


she knows what’s going to happen

and the pain she’s going to feel

still it does not come easy

when its fucking real


some arse whose got a rusty bloodied knife

descends and he

stabs at her neck a dozen times

its crazy now for she


starts fighting back she’s moving

but her head is almost off

she fights the inevitable

she gasps and one last cough


blood spews from her being

this poor old lady who

lost her kids to the dairy

and now her poor head too


the farmer back in Oz

just because the bull was paid

doesn’t care a monkeys

that is the meat trade


empathy they don’t have

compassion not a bit

love you must be joking

that is so much shit


Ive not pulled any punches

and I don’t intend to try

what Australia is doing to its livestock

how they lie


audited forms and regulation’s

that’s a load of crap

and the animals are suffering

and are taking the rap




About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in animals used for food, Australia and the epic journeys, Calves and Cows and Bulls. Bookmark the permalink.

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