A ocean of chickens
as far as the eye
can see all alive
but none thinking why
what’s been installed
in part of the shed
an industrial robot
that deals with the dead
the chickens all peck
no doubt they
are in essence chatting away
but slowly whats happening
is this machine
is processing them
where once they had been
created life force
now they were dead
stripped of their feathers
their legs and their head
jointed and packed
sucked of their soul
all oven ready
massive control
somebody designed this
somebody knew
what was to happen
and how to do
such operations
with oceans of birds
produced specifications
consisting of words
and so it was made
by many Id say
all of them aware
how it would play
out on the oceans of chickens
who’d be
gathered up slaughtered
and oven ready
what a sick world
we find ourselves in
artistic arses
do now underpin
manufacturing here
with their vilest techniques
designed to make profit
and deals with the peaks
and the troughs and the beaks
and the hearts
and what’s true
murdering bastards
the lot of you