It’s a most ugly statement
With no benefit to
The indigenous people
Whatever they do
Guardians they are
To the areas where
They live and they work
And they fight and they share
“Passing away”
He heeds to redress
Why in the world couldn’t he
Now confess
Such a statement
It will offend those who achieve
Traditional culture
And all do believe
Jimmy Nelson is probably
Not understood
Where they are coming from
And its all good
If more of the world
Was as rich as were they
In knowing the planets worth
Then we could say
We all have a better chance
Truthfully we
Should listen not come out
With statements glibly
What is wrong with our world
Is we don’t take account
Of the great tribes of people
Who truthfully mount
Joyful and spiritual bases for all
Up again corporations who sadly now stall
And damage and ruin
The world that is theirs
Don’t write them off
For they have more than prayers
They are our mentors
In this living space
They are the mirrors
Of the human race
We see ourselves
Maybe so in the light
Because they are there
And continue their fight