Is there anything more despicable
Than torturing and maiming
An innocent wild camel
And tragically then blaming
A train for running over
The camel somewhere and
Cutting off its precious feet
I mean to understand
That principle of doing this
to gain some sympathy
And perhaps and a modicum of bliss
By reaching into people hearts
Hopeful they will be
Touched by the emotion
For their precious renminbi
In point of fact they found a camel
And cut its feet off, they
Are butchers they are low life
They fill me with dismay
They abused an innocent animal
To create a gesture they
Seek pity from the public
The passers by who will pay
It is spiritless and unconscious
And to anyone who sees
The reaction from the camel
You go weak at the knees
For obviously these laggards
Have mutilated and
Expect to earn their money
When that poor soul cannot stand
It’s agony is two fold
Clearly it’s missing feet
But that they would have attempted this
Just to beg in the street
Just a prop to reach good hearts
When their hearts are so bad
Unscrupulous and so selfish
It really makes me sad
For the camel how can he accept
His lot now minus feet
Just so he can cough and cry
And seemingly unseat
The souls of those souls walking by
Whose pockets my be small
Who haven’t much loose change to spare
And some not have any at all
But digging deep into their psyche
With his choking cries
That lift them to another state
Out beyond the skies
And so they share their rent money
Or food money with those
Low life maimers begging there
Who still have got their toes
Their feet but lost all sanity
And with karma on the prowl
They may today have money
But they have scored a foul
And they will soon regret their action
For possibly a train
May run them down we will have to watch
For with such vile disdain
Their future will be uncertain
As the camels is for sure
Without feet he is clearly doomed
Which no one dare ignore
I know not of the camels plight in all
Of this to say
Perhaps in his next incarnation
He will not have to pay
He may become a human
A teacher maybe who
Can take these low life specimens
And show them what to do
How to love all animals
How to treat them well
How to show them heaven
And never ever Hell
How to truly care deep down
For all souls that they see
For the camel that they maimed
Was actually yea