Blackfish described what had been going on
Sea world had covered it up
out upon
The ocean the captures the pens
And the tanks
It was more about shareholders
And about banks
As for the blackfish the orca boys they
Lived in a soup bowl they made to pay
Fed on dead fish nothing ever alive
No where to swim to and no depth to dive
It was just hell for them
Arrogance reigned
Sea world and others
Seemingly strained
By the facts that were exposed in the film
We all saw
In the deaths of the orcas and trainers
All sure
They knew what they were doing
They were trainers you see
With very few clues about orcas who be
Trapped and then tamed kidnapped so to say
How resentment builds up in them
Every day
Sea world is wondering what it can do
For its shares are not good
Clearly that’s true
The people woke up and
Realised they
We’re being fobbed off
And there was no way
This was going to happen
For what is not right
Has to change no more of the blight
That’s killing these intelligent souls of the sea
And its bringing it home to us all at Taiji