Idaho produces much more dairy
than any other state
I understand
More dairy than meat
But it has got me beat
For aggag law is relevant
Was written and was planned
553 thousand cows give or take a few
And 526 dairies
So lots of people do
Work in the dairy industry
Some 23,000 there
23 senators were helped with funds
And all voted to scare
Activists from coming clean
And whistleblowers too
You are not allowed to speak out
On cruelty, it’s true
And there has been horrific animal abuse
Really everywhere
2 years ago in Idaho
A case of such despair
But anyway despite that
The state prefers to be
Protected and has passed the bill
Which seems a travesty
But then it is America
And the corporates control
Almost how you breathe a breath
And clearly that was the goal
For me I am vegan I would not contribute
A thin cent to production
For really at the root
Of dairy there is cruelty
And nothing anyone can do
But drink the milk and shut your mouth
Or be a vegan too