look into the eyes of those sweet golden ducks
and those white bigger geese
and we see
some kind of vision
the watery wastes
but not that these birds now will be
in water despite their webbed feet
and strong legs
they are consigned to a cage
manhandled not at all gently
and slung into one in a rage
hundreds in a domed enclosure
blasted with incoming air
the cages are small
its not good at all
its a place that just
offers despair
no hygiene to speak of
when they are force fed
with mush and with seeds
its not right
force fed like robots
not treated like souls
mechanical feeding
looking at goals
after they pant
they choke
and they look
out of it really
well I just shook
just felt it was inhumane
what I had seen
how they had suffered
now how they had been
covered in corn mash
all over them they
dont get a chance
to put it away
its all over them
and pushed down their throat
this isn’t feeding
its torture
to gloat
over profits from foie gras
and seeing this sight
brings back all the nightmares
which proves its not right
its an ugly scene
every bird every time
every agonized moment
the bird tries to climb
and is forced back down
and left panting there
exhausted from eating
are you aware?
and can you imagine
the pain they are in
the gradual diseased state
its a man made sin
webbed feet and no water
just cages galore
messy with stale corn
thats is the score
they are fed like a mass forced into a bag
so unlike real living birds
how we lag
behind in compassion
for life for to me
we are savages clearly
so heartless we be
after a time they select and they cart
several away
to the wall and they start
to cut their throats
then hang them upside down
many are kicking and bleeding
their gown
of feathers
rich crimson as they move their head
blood runneth over
but they ain’t dead
onto the conveyor
passing blood dripped walls
buckets of blood
manned by bloody fools
all seeing all knowing
but ignorant as hell
this is a job that they
think they do well
blood from their beaks
still breathing we see
their eyes and we look
and we know they see me
onto a table their feathers plucked clean
out onto a table cut open
600 gram livers swollen and pink
10 times the true size
I am on the brink
of screaming
of puking
of crying aloud
the livers in ice
the workers so proud
the birds life till death
was an ugly affair
torment and torture
and utter despair
no coming back
never again
not to go through
such unbelievable pain
that is foie gras
that some people eat
the karma just watching
is enough to unseat
any, humane being
who might feel the need
to partake of this shit
I beg you just read
this poem just read it
digest it and see
if after you have read it
you dare eat it, with me
if you do then I hope
you are dead by the morn
cos Im bloody well sure
you should have never been born