How many animals cruelty cases
do we see each day
hundreds of them
all that angst
and some pass away
the perpetrators some get charged
and others get away
but what of the little victims
who with their bodies pay
this case in mind happened in Greece
a kitten was attacked
brutally beaten around the head
everything was stacked
up against the little soul
its psyche torn a’sunder
beaten by a full grown man
really we have to wonder
how it can now face the world
and how it sees its life
every time it sees a man
it will relive that strife
the pressure on that baby
its baggage and its woe
this might have been one incident
but inside it will grow
the victims are forgotten
nobody gives a hoot
and there are so many victims
with grave fear at their root
the attackers get a telling off and maybe a fine
but the torrent of abuse
and hurt they don’t pay for down the line
both its eyes were damaged
its mouth and jaw
was smashed
the agony just must have been
it flashed
in my mind the lasting shock
it probably never will
wipe that event out of its mind
this effect does chill
every single hour of every day#
where ere it goes
it will recall the injuries
and that bastard
for it knows
others might be out there
to repeat the same
and so
he becomes a life long victim
and the stress may even grow
developing a hatred for men
which isn’t fair
not to men that love cats
that are more aware
the malice it can come out
any time of day
and all because one bastard
hurt and made him pay
an animal has learned to trust
and hopes that gradually
they have a working relationship
which is played out happily
but if theres unrefinement
and boorishment about
who know what will happen
there may be inner doubt
and this can upset the apple cart
and cause friction to occur
a silent miaow