Hearing their cries in the water
their innocence clearly comes through
their sentience clearly a factor
the perils they face in the blue
their blamelessness surely is with them
guiltless and misunderstood
up against wickedness and immorality
we must now fight for whats good
Santoshi Komiyana is now in Taiji
he heard the sea angels who ply
he heard when he realized they were to be
killed in the blink of an eye
the pithing the hammering
the pipes of war
the pods being slaughtered
against natural law
really and truthfully
whats it all for?
its something in fact
that the world does abhor
his head in the water listening, he
realized their culpability
and illegality, it seemingly
the wrong thing to do
in the cove at Taiji
the resentment and anger
the rancour its caused
the wrathfulness is growing
the killings if paused
would give a great chance
to give dolphins the lead
and let them find freedom
and hopefully breed
where’s the humility
we now demean
ourselves by the killings
dejected we lean
away from the sentient
into the dark
condescending and unbending
is that their mark
and fear it is felt by the angels
we know
Santoshi heard that
and that seems to grow
as more and more pods
are destroyed and are left
with a few in seaworld
and the rest all bereft
its a hopeless and comfortless
period where
the dolphins are left
in the depths of despair
unpropitious and saddened
and grieving aloud
bemoaning their future
now under a shroud
the tarps where the pithing goes on
a stab hole a peg and a hammer
they say
the pain is exceptional
utterly sad
as we turn the sea red
and feel terribly bad
the dirge that is heard
in the sea that is blue
the mournful lament
the weeping they do
it enters the heart
and it gets to the soul
and it flies through the blood
till it just takes control
the dolphins are seeking
our help and we must
give it and love them
for in us they trust