Predation and war

its true

we are predators

but, we do not do WAR

that’s not what we’re about

or created for

yes we are intelligent

and sense a lot

with such advanced sonar

a living bot

we see as an insult

for why we are here

is to protect and give guidance

not kill and spread fear


The yanks and the russians

imagine that we

can be  manipulated

and abused physically

yes we are mammals

not shaped like you

but in reality

can see right through


all of your schemes

and tactics for we

hate to be scape goats

and live weaponry


man unkind feels

but not very much

we on the other hand

are so in touch

with the now, with the truth

we regard and we see

and false flags

and code blue

is where we shouldn’t be


doing your dirty work


suicide missions

under the sea

this is not fair

this is not right

this is not ethics

its more of your shite


so much consternation

we store in our head

its just pure hopelessness

where you are led

into false wars

so your bankers can earn

and everyone else

can bloody well burn


the gods are not happy

with this vile abuse

of us we are  angels

with heads in your noose

you are hurting the messengers

forcing us too

cry out to the gods

and this will hurt you


arrogance is something we dolphins

don’t share

we have our knowledge

and all  are aware

we have our memories

instinctively we

save other creatures alone in the sea


but killing and maiming and torturing No

that is no message

its out of the flow

we have to spread love and commitment to all

or the storms they will rage

and many will fall


















About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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