obligation duty allegiance and trauma

We have responsibilities

the onus is on us

its true being of equine descent

a duty to discuss

a kind of code of honour

and ethic if you will

we must stay conscientious

and exert whatever skill


jumping can be dangerous

the ground

the height

all can

bring its share of perils

no matter how we plan


being ridden fiercely

by anger  can create

a feeling of such added stress

its something that I hate

participation in a hunt

a vixen possibly

evoking an added boisterousness

that the world at large can see


the laws an ass its often said

about the hunting ban

but as an animal involved in it

really when they can

ride like hell they do it

and get upset of course

about these so called know alls

the sab’s yes I’m a horse


I hate the thought of hunting

another earthling soul

frightening her an

and chasing her

when she’s the chosen goal

to let the dogs catch up with her

and tear her limb from limb

and all of this is so called sport

and  often on a whim


the undergrowth is rushing passed

his buttocks hot on me

he rides  with lots of fury

I suppose it has to be

but the other day

it happened

he made me run her down

its something we don’t do as horses

with our weight we drown


a body smash and badger it

this victim she was there

sabbing people   call it now

the equine realms

we share


with the broken  legs of those

who swerved to try

and avoid just any impact

with someone who might lie


but she was standing in the field

and I was galloping hard

and really I rode through her

the crunch would leave her scarred

it really left me seething

skittish in a way

impetuous behaviour

in the cold light of the day


she lay there like a broken doll

suffering in pain

probably bleeding deep inside

I looked at her again

challenged by the trauma

the unpleasantness and grief

she had an appalling injury

that was my belief


I was pulled up away from her

full up with unease

I just felt deplorable

would anyone appease

me, a pat, a calming word

nothing  and all I got

was lots more in the pain stakes

I just felt Id been shot 

led back to the stables

saddle off and I

stood there feeling very sore

and of course the guy


had led me on to do it

and bloody run her through

he could have bloody killed her

which was not the thing to do


what is done in anger

often we regret

I was irreconcilable

drowning in the sweat

now dripping off my belly

and falling in the straw

the tedium of knowing

perhaps for evermore


that I had just participated

in the injury

bravely standing in the field

where she shouldn’t be

that’s the excuse they are using

but its, not my excuse

it all sounds so forbidding

perhaps a kind of ruse


but for me I worry so much

about the victim, she

must be thwart with painfulness

where ever she now be

in the hospital

in her home

wherever she now be

going through such agony

drugged up take that from me


I was really hurting

I was suffering too

I laid down and I thought a bit

about what I was going to do

we horses get no pleasure

from trampling on you

we know it causes trauma

what else would it do


that loathing born from anger

that detestation for

a women who was innocent

of that now I was sure

just doing what she wanted to

prevent the fox as I

try to do by slowing down

know one wants her to die

the wrathfulness the rancour

we feel it every time

as they get piqued

and agitated

and the temperatures kind of climb

the virulence and enmity

the malice around here

the hunters with their entourage

all fuelled up on fear


they seem wholly uncharitable

vindictive all along

handing out their pamphlets

we know we don’t belong

only the fox and the badger

and the deer they truly are

born to live in forests wild

that’s is where they star

we are in the wrong place

at the wrong time and the pain

the sabbing angels


I share time and again


















About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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