Mabon celebration at Rollrights


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In the north east circle

on ground inside the stones

the rollright moles had

worked their stuff

all strained their little bones


to so expose the red earth

probably overnight

as the Autumn Equinox

gave them equal light



hazel berry clusters

trailing Ivy green

pink corn fields

lit up by the sun

on a great September scene


peering out from a grey cloud

a golden orb did smile

a whispering late afternoon

gave it all some style


the pagans found their way to where

a labyrinth  was set

and walked its course

of myriad rings

within its maze like net



made of cord and bird seed

its spirals would ignite

the minds of those now entering

the enigma of the light



that poured  out of the heavens

and thrust its power into

the hills and  fields beyond us all

to awaken us with new


energy of the Autumn Equinox

thats helps us see

the  countenance of colours

transposed delightfully


we joined a perfect circle

held hands and we as one

the ritual conjured energies

the deities were done


we thanked and honoured ancestors

the gods and goddesses who

helped protect our harvests

and truly brought us through


stories and some anecdotes

were shared and we could feel

the honour and the togetherness

really it was real


the speaking stick

was given, and was passed around

and everyone contributed

drawn energy from the ground


shared it with the circle

took it to the skies

ran it through the hearts and minds

to where the great owl flies


kinship, friendship closeness

the feelings given and shared

the vital balance offered

and clearly hearts were bared


a ritual, of gratitude

symbolic to us all

creative in our reasoning

which around this date does fall


strangers many of us

who were drawn together where

the standing stones pay homage

to the history they share


I was very fortunate

to once again spend time

with my greatest friend in all the world

and share a song and rhyme


she is my soul companion

my mentor and the one

who helped me find the path I’m on

beneath the moon and sun



for me the rollright stones

have so much mystery and power

affirming observations

and secrets that do shower


down on us from far beyond

concealed in the light

every eventuality

in the enduring world of sight


Veronika  arch druid

clad in winter green

performed the ceremonies ably

she has always been


a light force to look up to

ably assisted by

her lovely band of helpers

whose attentiveness is high


another ritual over

farewell to those who came

none of us are strangers now

and we all feel the same


friends from far off places

conjoined on this day

to share an hour of  fellowship

and love,  the pagan way



















to abundance




















About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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