a black envelope
written in gold
came winging to my door
the message was from Cristina and Steve
and I was sure
their wedding was in 4 days
I had wanted to go
but sadly couldnt make it
which I think you know
its just so very far away
and sadly at this time
I really cannot make it
and so I pen
a rhyme
my heart will surely be there
its only sad, my eyes
will not witness the beauty
but I hope you realize
if I could, I would have made it
but I wish you happiness
health and all that’s good in life
and from my soul I bless
you both
your respective mothers and fathers
and of course your lovely children
angela and michael
when the time is right
I will come and see you all
its with love that I wish you
a wonderful day Cristina and Steve
enjoy it, savour it and live a healthy and enjoyable life
it has been a highlight in my life to have met
Cristina and Steve and their friends and her wonderful
mother Victoria and father Alan and of course the children
I will always hold you all in my heart
rex x