tears of emotion

and purest devotion

to animals everywhere

but the sweet cow

from her grandmothers farm

she knew, how calm

they were

and so clearly how

sleep wasn’t easy

as tears filled her eyes

she sent me a e mail

and now I realize

how she was suffering

suffering too

sweet heart of mine

this story so true



Grace must have felt

that she had been dealt

a mortal blow that dreary night

the  c a f o where she

was housed ignorantly

did something that just wasn’t right



an inglorious tale

that will leave you pale

that will strike a chord in your heart

what dairies now do

is violently true

its just hard to know where

to start


Grace was a cow

a mother, and how

she loved and she cared for

her young

she, confined to a CAFO


a number that’s all

and was hung


up on the fact

she was raped every time

and her baby was taken away

stolen and killed

their blood it was spilled

they made her, sweet offspring pay


so some screaming human

could swallow

all her nutrition and be

gradually taking on ungulate


but wasting her true energy


an alien food being tossed in the trash

for profit the simple excuse

keeping her pregnant

wasting her babies

that was the dairyman’s ruse


and trillions have gone to the graveyards

of stress

trillions of babies

I have to confess

used up for chymosin

rennet a fate

a one week infant

just coagulate


for humans to savour the cheeses

as they

scoff down their ploughman’s

and go on their way


back to Grace

just an innocent mother that’s all

trapped in our hell hole

never a stall

pregnant and aching

to see her sweet soul

but it died deep inside her

that was its role


not to be born

it probably knew

it was consigned to hell

and so died as some do


Grace was in agony

Oh how she cried

aware of the dead soul

deep in her inside


no veterinarian though

would she see

an in house butcher job

was how it would be

unlicensed transgressors

took on her plight

dragged the dead infant

out of her that night


tore it away from her

Oh how she bled

such vile  unrighteousness

infernal dread


the agony she felt

the pain of it all

treated like trash

just made to fall


on her haunches and sob

to Hathor who she

knew would be listening

and who would be


able to help

in her moments of pain

her goddess her saviour

her treatment insane


pure criminality

censure and blame

so inexcusable

more of the same


perhaps they would  profit

reprehensible, they

basically sacrificed Grace

on that day


that was pure wickedness

their cloven hooves

their amorality

was heard on the rooves


of the CAFO that night

as Hathor could hear

poor Grace’s plight 

and Left in such fear


to the gods let us say

heinousness  came

was clearly at play

some awful game


the inhuman monsters

the dairyman who

carried out this procedure

all clueless to


the improbity and the suffering


tragically carried on

they never paused


traitorous beings

devoid of care

just out for profit

and so unaware



personal motives

for their private ends

what is the message

that truthfully sends


humanity falters

corporates too

earn as we burn

in the embers anew


hatred and loathing

it was all there

a mother was treated

with abject despair



revulsion in fact

odious bastards

that’s how they react


the rainbow bridge beckoned

and she dragged herself through

with masses of tears

as still they did screw


beat her and kicked her

to make her walk straight

her agony immense

she stood at the gate


staring at their forms

haggled and lost

broken disturbed

a heavy cost


lost no emotion

desperation despair

they were the qualities

that cows get there


the goose flesh is evident

the coldness is clear


and abject fear


ravaged by scarecrows

disfigured by those

unlovely labourers

someone once chose


the corporate masters

heartless and cold

who drain blood of the youth

by discarding the old


Grace died its true

like so many before

and many will die

so many more

all the while

humans give cows milk to their


the calves

will thus have to bear


that cost  and that agony

those deaths anew

and of course in the passage of time

humans do


die of ingesting the ungulate food

it builds up in their arteries

and does exude

from their pores

from their souls

it kills them as well

and each of them

then spend years in a hell


where ungulates come

and take back some  breath

by mass rumination

and a  lasting death





























































































About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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