an idyllic setting
a romantic lane
in the tory heartlands
where hunts kind of gain
a tally ho certainly
in this green place
the Bricklayers Arms
helps to slow down the pace
we got there a bit late
my friend and I
and a dog called Presley
a sausage dog guy
our little family came down to share
the animal rights protest
already there
an evening of protests
2 policeman arms crossed
some brochures handed out
all then was tossed
up in the melee of foie gras and chips
the unhealthiest food stuff
to put fat on your hips
diseased fatty liver induced by man
force fed these ducks and geese
I am no fan
of this kind of cruelty
remember these souls
have webbed feet for swimming
their natural roles
but not on foie gras
they remain in a cage
how unnatural is that
for its seems like an age
wire floors that cut into
webbing and feet
force fed till throats ulcerate
to unseat
the birds as their livers
swell 10 times their size
till the birds cannot breathe
did you realize?
the awful suffering
to make this stuff
and the Bricklayers Arms
serve it
no matter how rough
nothing to debate
its such rotten judgement
serving this on your plate
giving rise to objections
foie gras you see
is vile its just torture
and so unhealthy
the customers some of them
rallied for they
were sorry that us lot did not go away
it was victimization
no none of the sort
all they do is remove it
that’s where we’re caught
tw’een a rock and a hard place
we have to tell you
foie gras is
so blatantly cruel
its so true
for a so called good eating place
serving such food
its abundantly wrong
and terribly crude
getting rid of AR is easy to do
just stop serving foie gras
and were gone
good and true