They do what they do
in front of us all
where our cameras are pointed
and all can recall
the families of dolphins
butchered with ease
where pithing goes on
under tarps if you please
these vile and obnoxious young men think
that they
can take on the world and make all dolphins pay
for they are all heartless and as cold, and are shite
fishermen they are low life
its not right
getting away with this
calling the tune
calling it culture
it is high noon
high time these cretins realized
want an end to this evil
they do in the sea
the revulsion for wild life
their aversion is wrong
we have a loathing of them
which is strong
their contemptibility
and abomination
such malicious intent
on our true wild creation
vindictive creeps
unlovable sods
defiant bluster
we know the gods
are raising their heads
from the skies and they will
bring down such winds
and such waves that will kill
they have no humility
nothing at all
inglorious behaviour
they break every rule
such desperation
the dolphins cry
out for each other
as slowly they die
hopeless despair
these intelligent souls
gruesome and grotesque
exerting controls
a mournful display
of suffering here
and such tribulation
with torment and fear
Taiji a beauty spot
policed by those
carrying knives who
use them I suppose
threatening the guardians
that’s what they do
aggressive shits
who will injure you too
its not just the dolphins
its us to if we
threaten to show the world
just how they be
guilt they have none of it
blame they don’t care
transgression they hit out
they say its not fair
our misdemenour is stopping them they
accuse us of sins
saying we should all pay