Maggy Pie


I am standing here guarding her body

the body of sweet Maggie Pie

she is no more

for she did ignore

my warning

and alas she did die

but in her excitement

the main road

that runs near the golf course

is where

van drivers drive them

at break neck speeds

despitel those pot holes

they don’t care












dodging one of them

she took her eye off

the van just too close

and did die


she was my love and my lady

she wore her black togs

and the white

of her eyes

I could see

with her last look at me

as she fell on the road

and that shite


the van didn’t stop

that’s human’s for you

her life was so precious to me

and now she has gone to the Summerlands forest

where every 2 yards there’s a tree


to  roost on to  play on and fly safely


no white van drivers

no human despair

I think I will stand here

till another white van

runs over me too

I don’t care


if it happens soon

I may catch up with her

we can fly through the trees once again

I just have to stay with her

I cannot leave her

for my heart truly is  full of pain


some humans have little care for us

we have a right to be there

he just came at her

just mowed her down

clearly he just didn’t care

she was the love of my life

and that boa she wanted

looked great

perhaps at the Summerlands

we’ll find another

I hope so

but  I will   have to wait






About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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