Illusory humans need glasses

the tragic thing for Dolphins

is we imagine we

know everything about them

we have our eyes to see

and see we do

and imagine

at what we see is there

the dolphins are always smiling

because in life they share

that avid glorification

that joyfulness to be

locked upo in a concrete tank

for all eternity

made to be a cash cow

for the seaworlds of this world

when really they are as miserable as sin

having been hurled

into a soup of iniquity

no depth no life no air

no freedom to do what they will

prisoners who share

little in their real lives

trapped and left to be

purely entertainment

for trolls who come to see

they have this sweet expression

its not that they can be

miserable they were born with joy

and playfulness their key

is that alone but humans

are an unkind bunch of souls

who where there’s money to be had

ramp us the controls

so a Dolphin is clearly happy

taken from the sea

and transferred to a tank of soup

thats where it should be

a happy smiling soulful soul

because we know its true

illusory a perception

only for the few

who know the dolphins temperament

who understand their poise

who realize their true nature

which is not one of life’s joys

they smile or they appear to smile

because they are built that way

but deep inside their persona

they are lost in our dismay

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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