Restraint and limitation
are the keywords
a dog left outside Mothercare
may vouch
his owner thought to strengthen
his neck collar
bound it up with tape and bricks
yea ouch!
having that round one’s neck
will surely strengthen
or rather fuck with the ligaments
and make
the animal far weaker
and a bloody sight less comfortable
preventing normal movement
for fucks sake
bricks smashed up and taped is
really asking
a lot for a dogs neck I have to say
of course to leave an animal tied up outside
a shop
of course someone will call the RSPCA
the mind of such a person
has to give concern
anybody really who would feel
its bloody cruel to actually go and do that
its manic most would ask
is it for real?
I don’t know where the world is really going to
with unfeeling and uncaring souls about
animals at the brunt of all this hatred
to me and most there now is little doubt
we are doomed!