The new dawn

For nearly 50 years
They have been spraying
Its not as if we wanted them to spray
The giants selling chemicals were angry
Because we didn’t buy enough each day
Well sod them I just tell them go and rattle
Your can outside some others growers door
We believe Organics is the answer
And we don’t want to see you anymore
The problem has been
Lily livered growers
Who Listened to the salesmen all aglow
Dressed in his tuxedo
Saw his limosine
And frankly didn’t dare to just say No!
And so they bought his sacks and drums of chemicals
The pesticides were gonna fall like rain
The earth was gonna get so soaked up by them
That run- off would occur over againAnd sure enough the years have passed
And wildlife
Sufferred as the concentrations grew
2 heads- no eyes
And the famous tiny penis
No surprise to me in that vast stew
Fish all sorts of wild birds
Have all perished
Dissapeared and never will return
Man is bloody arrogant and greedy
And thinks he knows it all
With nowt to learn

Well just look at the Everglades
Cor blimey!
Places where just everything has gone
Butterflies and fish of all descriptions
They are really now just not upon
This Earth of ours
Extinct gone like man’s brain box
Sperm counts
Almost everything
He knows
Taking on a force as great as Nature
Proves he is no midas
And it shows!

And now with cancer hitting every family
We’ve gone against the most important law
We choose to save a few bob on the food bill
And fill our home with more and more and more
Gadgetry,the cell phones and the game boys
Everybody needs a mountain bike
Priorities have changed
Salesman became de-ranged
They told us that crap food we all should like

And so we entered the big world of burgers
Of ice cold drinks when Jack Frost was about
Sausages crammed full of ears and head meat
As long as they were cheap there was no doubt
The great big scared out of our wits Joe Public
Told farmers what they ate had to be cheap
And sure enough they killed the vital life force
And more and more sick children heard mums weep

Bitter yea we are but we’re still buying
All the fractured crap made out of nowt
Bleached and blanched devoid of precious minerals
And honest folks thats what it s all about
Niavely we went down that road like little lambs
Bleating all in line we did agree
They blew their blooming trumpets
And the dogs barked
And before we could say Jack Robinson BSE

Was raging in our farms across our country
Cows were falling victims to its power
Listeria and Eggs and Mrs Curry
Salmonella over us did tower
Now its CJD some kids are getting it
They were given spinal cord and chips
They ground it up with rusk inside the burgers
The bastards who did that I hope their lips

Will also feel the wrath of Bovine Spongiform
For what you give to one has to be shared
Feeding cows with cows yes poor tired ruminants
In every walk of life things are just squared
And so it will be put into perspective
Karma will exact a lesson here
People did make claims about its safety
IN MAFF and in the Government twas clear

The dawn though is now breaking
For those people
The lies the agro companies did tell
They led us down their road
Into oblivion and gradually they all got sick as well
And now its take less protein
Okay Doctor all these different messages we hear
First its too much sugar then its too much fat
And now its too much protein well that’s clear

Vegans living on Brown Rice with Vegetables
Organic Fruit and whole grains with less flour
Are gonna knock the spots off all the carnivores
Who say that vegetables usurp their power
Up the garden path and back for 50 years
Scientists have preached their sermons long
And now its come up trumps to be a vegan
So one thing in my life I’ve not got wrong.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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