Born in Kamogawa SeaWorld in Japan
from wild parents this Pacific Dolphin
forms a plan
to ship him into Texas
SeaWorld Antonio
22 hours transit time
in a small crate as we know
the stress will be fantastic
a vet will go along
but Kirara will need all his strength
such movements now are wrong
22 hours transit
that’s demanding as we know
and for Dolphins out of water
it really is a blow
the tedium is awful
the inactivity
its irksome and unvarying
and such banality
it will take all his endurance
for anguish will set in
the frustration the tribulation
its like flying in a tin
sorrowful and heavy laden
care worn woebegon
artlessness and nonchalance
its the callous cloak they are in
the permission has been granted
the Dolphins free to go
whilst enslaved in a crate of course
somewhere he doesn’t know
perhaps some claustrophobia
which with time just may grow
the dolphin will be fearful
will have a despondency
disconsolate and comfortless
knowing he’s not free
the corporation blunderbus
is cocked and on the stage
ready to be exploited
just another on the page
of course broken spirited
chastened crushed and left
dejected and its detected
probably bereft
of any true respect
for sea world sees them as cash cows
a showy pompous stagy event
that really just allows
Seaworld to make money
selling shamu’s and the like
honouring the parents
and its all done through the mike
with all the sea world swagger
the self glory and the rest
the puffery and stuffery
bluster now at best
ominous persuasions
based on fictional crap
a pitiless contraption
that just falls in their lap
from one tank to another tank
a disrespectful rant
a vast degeneration
viwed as somewhat scant
he will be a star performer
a paragon lets say
really infringing no one
despite all that they say