Kihura Nkuba

He who handcuffs lightening

and puts  thunder into jail

such a man is bold by all accounts

and so his tale

of safeguarding his people

Uganda  has to see

for Kihura’s shadow has power beyond

imagination and he

will use his powers of logic and emotion

to come to terms with Polio

and so

ahead and going forwards

for the children

the oral vaccination programmes


killing children who would not have

died at all

and why in fact did all of this occur


he set to work to prove Uganda’s problem

Malaria was the problem not Polio

America had banned the oral vaccine

so why was Uganda using it

to show

his people he went on the air and proved it

the great big vile agenda

broken through

hundreds of children had died

from the vaccination

but Kihura knew

what he had to do


the ignorance that’s out there

is amazing

the conspiracy theories

flutter to and fro

but this man knew he had to save his people

from the pharmaceutical nonsense

that did grow

you kind of feel the arrogance

that’s out there

due diligence appears

but goes away

where there’s money

people jump to conclusions

and in this case

they enter the affray


and its needs a man like


to stand up and fight

face the consequences

and prove he is right


by doing this

he’s saved a lot of children

going to their deaths

before their time

the courage of one man

backed by his wife equally so

helped him win and continue to climb







About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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