Fur bearing whose now caring?

A Finnish farm where fur is grown

on animals who are

forced to live in cages

that maim and harm and scar


forced to eat each other

in the maddening state they reach

what hell hole we prepare for them

they look up and beseech


every thinking soul who ever breathed

the air into

their precious lungs and thought about

what it is we do



and all for fucking profit

we raise the margins high

and then we lower standards

and listen to them cry


the hideousness and repulsiveness

that we provide at will

no duty of care

no nothing there

just more sad blood we spill



unsightly in appearance

listen to them scream

these are gentle creatures

out of some shit dream


we have made them like this

because we want their fur

because we want the profit

we make them like we were


misbegotten and disfigured

by each other in the plight

of trying to live through each day

and even more each night


so some of us can forgo our brains

and buy into this hell

this bloody world of evil

that the big shops know so well


its all about the fashion trade

and the mirrors all about

its all about the haute couture

there isn’t any doubt


the brain dead mindless

half cut daft idiots we call  souls

all spruced up on the catwalk

in their various roles


oh! it is the done thing

the nobility are there

foie gras on our sandwiches

nobody does care


courteous and courtly

shortly we must wear

all that bloody fur that dripping gore

we too can share


heartless clueless farts

who have eyes but  fail to see

they have ears but are bunged up with wax

ludicrous they be

the vulgarity of the fur trade

of the creatures in the cage

the obtrusive blatant  under bred

who litter every page


About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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