A women’s role in creation and how she is appreciated by the country

why women seem to be subject to disapproval

disfavour even indignation

really seems to me

to wholly waste a thoroughly perfect asset

who should be held in honour#

respected at the highest level

someone who should be


regarded as an equal

and if anything a star

with gracious understanding

which in essence all now are

affable conversable

a compliment in fact

part of civilization

with their consciousness still intact


how women  have been treated

and are still treated today

says a great deal for the intelligence

of the men along the way

humanity is women and men

as  equals  they

should always be regarded

and valued in this way


ignorance is commonplace

arrogance is too

both these consequences

just might describe you

either or together shows

an imbalance that we see

why so many countries

are not as strong as they could be


male and female working

as a team can create much

each have qualities each have skills

each has a special touch

two halves of the same soul

enlightened to be felt

each with special knowledge

from the experience that’s dealt


the quality of nurturing

of empathy and care

the quality of compassion

affirming  and aware

productive with veracity

forthcoming and unreserved

an artist of creation

who seldom is unnerved


elegant and articulate

sensitive and kind

mellifluous and harmonius

tastefully entwined

working life together

sharing willingness and  resolve

gives a constancy of effort

and helps souls to evolve


undaunted and unbending

and unflagging in a task

persistent and tenacious

its all that we can ask

a resolute compendium

a marriage of two minds

each with sharing quality

that only underlines


the need for abject balance

the feminine gives that

as does the masculine element

heroically both at

the crossroads of believing

that together both can be

better for the mutual health

of each



the way a nation treats its women

shows a nation to be

experienced and respectful to the needs

of all

we see

much more gently reasoning

and spontaneity

much more good than evil

with an outpouring to be


competent and unmeasured

curative and well

as parents all preparing

for the future that they sell

is full of light and kindness

both practitioners of fate

with an excellent symbiosis

that both do integrate

with rapport and understanding

compatible and content

harmony and unison

shows a good price has been spent


and a womens role  respected

an a man’s role it is too

they harmonize together

and the light comes shining through

its pleasurable and it peaceful

its cordiale and so

a nation sharing its equals

is bound to surelyl   grow





About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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