There is clearly so much ignorance
from wolf haters, who feel
the case to slaughter all of them
is very very real
the ranchers and their allies
and goodness knows the rest
are an arrogant bunch of idiots
and really thats the best
description, of these twerps
who cannot see the light of day
who care not for the wild souls
who give a lot and play
a huge part in the balance truthfully of it all
these idiots with rifles
are lost souls and the call
goes out to Enubis
he is coming for you all
and will bite your butts till their
red raw
of that statement I am sure
Idaho has got to show
the world what is their plan
Kill all the wolves does
absolutely nothing
it began
with pictures, showing hunters
crouched over bleeding prey
a wolf clutched by a tiny child, smiling
now to say
what a small child imagines perhaps
the wolf may run
as soon as the photo’s taken
back into the sun